
Bugs Color Code
  [1] - Critical   [2] - Urgent   [3] - Moderate

2023-12-06 -  [2] -Upgrade on M2E Pro

2023-11-21 - [1] -Kits components Quantity are incorrect
2023-11-21 -  [2] -Url should be automatically pointed on the new URL with the same SKU

2023-11-10   [1] - "Stock 20-D - Update" is not updating the SKU description and is halting

2023-09-27 -  [3Product Page "Price Count "

2023-09-19 - [2] - Google feed update to be done.

2023-08-11   [1] -  6 pages couldn't be crawled becuase of slow load speed.

2023-08-02 - [3] Google Reviews "Fetch feed for reviews"

2023-06-16 -  "System > Export " cannot see new gerenated files

2023-03-22 - Security updates & PHP out of date

2023-03-06 - A new M2E Pro version is availble. Please check out the Release Notes and upgrade your M2E Pro.

2023-01-04 - Not all weekly crons are running and "Stock M - Brands" script

10-10-2022- Fixing the issue of Anchor Text( This issue is triggered if a non descriptive anchor text is used for a link (either internal or external) • An anchor is considered to be non-descriptive doesn't give any idea of what the linked-to page is about, for example "click here" "right here" etc. This type of anchor provides little value to users and search engines as it doesn't provide any information about the target page Also, such anchors will offer little in terms of the target page's ability to be indexed by search engines, and as a result, rank for relevant search request)

Varnish Integration 

2023-06-18 - Product Images not ALL webp format

2023-08-02 -  Duplicated and Old Images  ( JanSan HP3 Polystyrene Hinged Meal Box )

2023-11-10   [1] - Recently Viewed images at product page are not showing and cache issue in other product images

2023-11-03 -  [3] Categorization/GHS pictograms

06-12-2022  G, I see you've used JSON-LD on product pages for AUK. we need to implement Structured data items like JSON-LD , og- cards, twitter cards, using review snipets and micro formats. Can you please implement those items on every page of the website where each item is relevant? We need more relevant items for category, sub category and all other pages.

2023-04-26 - Quote Request - not working when logged-in 

2023-04-20 -   [1] -Default Delivery note are not being picked

2023-07-20 -  stock region/position faling to update

2023-08-11   [1] - Checkout "shipping region issue"

2023-05-26 - search bug, if press  ENTER while Search then we we 404 Not Found ( https://stackoverflow.com/questions/61643496/magento-2-search-showing-404-not-found )

2023-04-26 - YTD Payments Header wrong year

2023-07-27 -   [1]  Site very slow specialy on checkout  https://pagespeed.web.dev/analysis/https-allianceuk-com/ff8jh1ga96?form_factor=desktop

2023-08-11   [1] -  Account UBL001-01 SO 602028269 sent to Merlin again with wrong invoice address

2023-09-19 - [2] - Site name Schema to be added on the Website.

2023-10-04   [1] -  Please default delivery method to "Delivery"

2023-09-27 - Glasgow City A-Z

2023-09-27 - 504 Gateway Time-out

2023-08-30   [1] -  When customers import orders it does not pick the default Delivery notes in Merlin,

2023-07-28 -    [1]  Checkout with repeated shipping methods 

01-12-2022 Cache Management - Page Cache (Every Day we need to run it, can we add a daily cron for ALL "Cache Management"

2023-03-16 Remarks Tab variable Alliance UK

2023-03-15  - SLderivery Blank address fields sent to Merlin (please do not send duplicates) 

2023-05-09 - Onbuy cron isn't working (no orders getting to magento) "Cron Job ced_amazon_queue_process is missed"

2023-06-18 - Product PageBreadcrumbs  (Flagged Menu Only)

2023-08-01 -  34 invalid product snippets

2023-08-03 -  Replace the global description and titles from the urls below by the ones we've sent you.

- https://www.allianceuk.com/tradeaccount

- https://www.allianceuk.com/quickorder

- https://www.allianceuk.com/customer-feedback

2023-02-21 - Sales Order Z602021886  Order BN353-08 (Amazon 203-3384787-4176337)got AAR011 (Magento)    BN353-08  -  B007JWO8PA  # AR011  - B00HR6KRFI

2023-02-01 - Caterogies are missing Position (Merlin Reigion) is not being updated/imported 

06-12-2022 product position are not updating

05-12-2022 Convert images to webp

27-09-2022 Merlin Import schedule abbreviation

For example:
Stock D Update
Stock W Import New

H - Hourly
D - Daily
W - Weekly
M - Monthly
0 - Manually (No schedule)

18-10-2022 - Search not working Properly (If we search any product on AUK, it doesn't show relevant products). See the example HERE

27-09-2022  Checkout If Customere Selects Card Payment then Customer Reference is not mandatory.

20-10-2022 - Sales Orders Complete "When invoiced on Merlin"

25-10-2022 - MOQ - Notice line 

10-10-2022 - Product Downloads (lOGIN Missing in certain browsers)

01-10-2022  Login/Register Link

02-11-2022 - When there is no carriage charge (FREE Delivery) it defaults to  Collection Method only

27-10-2022 - Google Carriage Charge  {stock.carriage_charge} + vat/tax

27-10-2022 - Google Feed Is not using the right "Google Name"

Best Cleaning Product in United Kingdom

Trust and convenience are two important factors when it comes to customer loyalty - and that's where we excel. Our customers know that they can trust us to provide high-quality, best-value products with ease. This versatile product range and commitment to customer service have made us United Kingdom leading provider of cleaning supplies. When it comes to value for money, our customers know that they can trust us to provide great products at the best prices. With our extensive range of products, we are sure to have everything you need to get the job done right. So why not give us a try? We're sure you won't be disappointed.

Alliance UK Online opportunities

Alliance UK offers a wide range of career opportunities to the local people

Our aim is to support local people by recruiting them

Alliance UK Online  interact

We interact with our clients and employees using emails, messages and meetings

Alliance UK uses an online platform for storing and maintaining information.

Alliance UK Online Training

We train our team regarding chemicals usage and storage from time to time through various programs.

We also arrange safety programs for our staff members

Alliance UK Online environmentally

Alliance UK is environmentally aware and adding more GREEN cleaning products to our range everyday.

We're on a mission to help you clean with less...

Alliance UK our core purpose has helped us focus our business on the essential needs of our key target market; Cleaning Contractors

We have extensive experience and expert product knowledge in the industrial and commercial cleaning field to support the unique needs of each of our customers. From specialised and innovative cleaning machinery to everyday hygiene consumables, you’ll find we offer the widest range of products and the most reliable service in our industry.