Washroom Hygiene
Alliance UK online strives to provide washroom hygiene products that both satisfy current legislation regarding disposal of clinical and controlled waste from commercial premises. We also aim to help our customers provide a cleaner, more welcome environment for employers, customers and visitors alike.
Washroom Cleaners
Washroom Sanitisers
Washroom Descalers
Hygiene Nail Brushes
Drain Cleaner
Toilet Fresheners
Toilet Seat Sanitisers
Air Fresheners & Refills
Urinal Sanitisers Refills
Hygiene Monitor
Guest Amenities
Bathroom Accessories
Washroom Grab Rails
Feminine Hygiene Dispensers
Nappy Disposal Units
Baby Changing Tables
Washroom Brushes
Washroom Hygiene
The washroom experience has a direct influence on the way your business is perceived, therefore it is imperative that a clean and fully stocked washroom welcomes your staff and visitors. Alliance UK online offers an extensive range of washroom products and cleaning supplies that provide you with the opportunity to simply and efficiently ensure that your washroom is providing a consistently high level of hygiene and service. Our quality washroom and cleaning supplies range offers great value for money, combined with a quick and reliable delivery service direct to your door. This ensures that those necessity products are taken care of for you. The range includes a wide selection of branded products including toilet rolls, paper hand towels, hand soaps, washroom cleaning products, surface cleaners and air fresheners. The range also contains our unique selection of washroom dispensers. The washroom supplies range also encompasses a selection of personal protection products. These include items such as a first aid kit, a bio hazard disposal kit and a wide selection of gloves that cater for a range of different purposes. Our dedicated telesales team and field based sales team can provide help and advice on all of our products, and aim to make ordering your washroom and cleaning supplies as simple as possible.
Why Is a Clean Washroom So Important?
A clean Washroom requires wiping surfaces daily and deep cleaning weekly in order to prevent illness and infections affecting aging and/or unhealthy individuals. An unclean Washroom can affect:
Breathing – inhaling mould and dust can cause health concerns for those who may already suffer from breathing problems such as COPD, asthma, chronic bronchitis, pneumonia, or other conditions.
Microorganisms, Bacteria, Viruses, & Pathogens – can live on Washroom surfaces for up to a week or more. Keeping a clean Washroom means wiping surfaces daily with bacteria killing solutions (vinegar, bleach, and antibacterial cleaners); paying special attention to the surfaces of the toilet, tub, sink and all handles & faucets. Commonly found in Washrooms:
Stomach viruses that can cause intestinal distress; viruses include E. Coli, Norovirus, and salmonella and many other bacteria and microorganisms.
Bacteria, fungi & viruses such as staph (including MRSA), athlete’s feet fungus, mould & mildew (causing breathing issues to worsen or flare up), strep, and many others. Daily wiping down of your Washroom will help decrease surface bacteria/viruses/pathogens greatly.
As we age our immune systems weaken, even in those who remain active and healthy; making the probability of typical bacteria, microorganisms and viruses even more likely to affect our immune system than when we were younger.