Gyms & Fitness Centres

We know how important it is to maintainhigh infection control standards and createa hygienic and pleasant environment ingyms and fitness centres. Alliance UK offers a wide range of hygiene and cleaning products specially formulated to offerprotection and help reduce the spread ofgerms where shared equipment is used.

We stock essentials such as surfacesanitisers and skincare systems as well asfloor cleaners and washroom cleaners.

Alliance UK representatives offer expert adviceand guidance on choosing the rightcleaning products to help you confidentlymaintain the highest standards in hygiene.

We can't find products matching the selection.

Gym Sanitizers, Wipes, and More to Keep You Protected & Healthy While Working Out

Enov products help remove soilage, body fats, grease and mould prevention to improve the overall appearance and manage customer expectations

The post covers a suggested schedule for daily and periodic cleaning tasks as well as recommended gym cleaning products suitable for the task of cleaning the equipment, fitness rooms, changing rooms and office reception areas to help keep your business in peak condition.

Suggested Areas for Cleaning How to use Cleaning Supplies

Fitness Equipment & Sunbeds

  • Spray equipment and seats with Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner, wipe with a clean damp cloth

Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner Spray 750ml

  • Ready to use spray bottle. Spray onto surface and wipe with a clean damp cloth.
  • For small areas spray onto cloth and wipe surface
  • After use we recommend cloths or mops are rinsed in a fresh solution and allowed to air dry

Steam Rooms & Sauna

  • Spray bench and walls with Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner, wipe with a clean damp cloth. Add Enov UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleanert o hot water in bucket and damp mop floor.

Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner 5 litre

  • Dilute 66ml per 5 litres of hot water. Mop or wipe surface
  • After use we recommend cloths or mops are rinsed in a fresh solution and allowed to air dry.

Pool Surround

  • Add Enov P040 Eclipse Poolside Maintainerto hot water in a bucket, damp mop floor or use deck scrub.
  • For removing heavy limescale or body fat build up use Enov P040 Eclipse Poolside Maintainer.

Enov P040 Eclipse Poolside Maintainer 

  • Stubborn stains & descaling: Apply undiluted onto surface and leave for a few minutes, agitate if necessary.
  • Removing body fat: Dilute 200ml per 5 litres of hot water.

Jacuzzi & Whirlpool

  • Daily cleaning: Spray tiles and surround with Enov W001 Sanit-All Sanitiser, DeScaler, Cleaner & Freshener Spray and wipe with a clean damp cloth.
  • Periodic cleaning: Drain water, if heavy limescale or body fat build up occurs use Enov W060 LimeAway+ Concentrated Acid Descaler

Enov W001 Sanit-All Sanitiser, DeScaler, Cleaner & Freshener 750ml spray

  • Spray onto the surface and wipe with a clean damp cloth.

For Scrubber Dryers

  • Add Enov F061 Quattro Scrubber Dryer Detergent to water in solution tank and proceed to clean.

Enov F061 Quattro Scrubber Dryer Detergent

  • Light soilage: Dilute 50ml per 5 litres of water.
  • Heavy soilage: Dilute 100ml per 5 litres of water
  • For use with combination machines: Add to the solution tank at a concentration of 1-2% (10-20mls per litre) depending on soiling.

Reception Area & Studio Floors

  • Add Enov H007 Kleanz-All Natural Cleaner to hot water in bucket and damp mop floor.

Enov H007 Kleanz-All Natural Cleaner

  • Light soilage: Dilute 50ml per 5 litres of hot water.
  • General soilage: Dilute 100ml per 5 litres of hot water

Changing Rooms

  • Spray benches and lockers with Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner Spray and wipe with a clean cloth.

Enov H080 UltraSan Ultra Virucidal Cleaner Spray 750ml

  • Ready to use spray bottle. Spray onto surface and wipe with a clean damp cloth.
  • For small areas spray onto cloth and wipe surface
  • After use we recommend cloths or mops are rinsed in a fresh solution and allowed to air dry

Floors and Walls

  • Add Enov W001 Sanit-All Sanitiser, DeScaler, Cleaner & Freshener to hot water in bucket. Wipe wall with a damp cloth.

Enov W001 Sanit-All Sanitiser, DeScaler, Cleaner & Freshener

  • Stubborn stains & descaling: Apply undiluted onto surface and leave for a few minutes, agitate if necessary.
  • For small areas spray onto cloth and wipe surface
  • Removing body fat: Dilute 200ml per 5 litres of hot water

Shower Area & Washroom

  • Spray surface with Enov W001 Sanit-All Sanitiser, DeScaler, Cleaner & Freshener 750ml spray and wipe with clean cloth.

Enov W001 Sanit-All Sanitiser, DeScaler, Cleaner & Freshener 750ml spray

  • Spray onto the surface and wipe with a clean damp cloth.


  • Flush toilet. Apply Enov W040 DailyFresh Daily Cleaner & Freshener Swan Neck to bowl and under rim. Leave for a few minutes and agitate with a brush. Flush toilet and rinse out brush.

Enov W040 DailyFresh Daily Cleaner & Freshener Swan Neck

  • Apply undiluted to the urinal, toilet bowl and under the rim.
  • Leave for a few minutes and rinse with clean water. Stubborn stains may need agitation with a brush.

Windows, Glass, Mirrors & Stainless Steel

  • Spray Enov H030 eClear Glass & Mirror Cleaner Spray 750ml onto surfaces and wipe with a clean cloth or disposable paper

Enov H030 eClear Glass & Mirror Cleaner Spray 750ml

  • Use undiluted.
  • Spray sparingly 15-30cm directly onto surface
  • Wipe clean immediately with a clean, dry cloth.
  • For small areas, spray onto cloth then wipe surface

For consideration when using cleaning products:

Always read and follow the label instructions.
Wear suitable and recommended ppe and use the correct colour coded cleaning equipment. For more information read our article on colour coding cleaning supplies
Routinely check stock levels of your Jangro cleaning chemicals and Jangro janitorial supplies.

Managing ongoing hygiene standards
There are additional cleaning tasks that should be undertaken on a quarterly and/or six monthly basis, e.g. clean window blinds, internal windows and dust high level surfaces etc. To help maintain a hygiene standards or for advice on any other matter we are always on hand and willing to help make you look good. Contact Alliance UK for further help and information on how to get the best from your wholesale janitorial supplies or for information on our hygiene audit.